14 Feb RMI and Zpryme to host ETS17 autonomous vehicle demonstration, learn how to participate
Zpryme and Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) are seeking proposals from qualified autonomous vehicle providers to operate self-driving vehicle(s) along a demonstration route during the ETS17 opening celebration on March 27th, 2017 and/or display their vehicle technologies at the event. The vehicle demonstration will serve as entertainment and an educational tool to promote understanding and acceptance for autonomous vehicle technology from the public and serve as a platform for autonomous vehicle companies to showcase their products and receive press and recognition. Participating companies will also be given space to display their vehicle(s) and interact with attendees.
Download invitation to participate: here
Energy Thought Summit 2017 brings together the top influencers in the energy industry to address the energy transformation that is upon us. ETS17 seeks to address how we envision, design, and produce the ideas and technologies to shape the energy of tomorrow. The redesign of the mobility sector is one of the key energy transformations of this century, led by the mass implementation of the electric, autonomous vehicles combined with new mobility business models.
Multiple autonomous shuttle vehicle companies and vehicle types may be selected to fully showcase the current capabilities of autonomous mobility. Companies may request to be sole participants if their level of participation warrants. Responses must be received by 5pm PST Friday, February 24th, 2017.
Purpose of this demonstration
The purpose of this demonstration is to demonstrate autonomous vehicles in an on-road setting and to educate the energy sector and community about autonomous technology through displays and interaction with the vehicles and their providers. This event is one pilot in RMI’s larger goal to demonstrate electric, autonomous mobility services in Austin, TX with scalable results. In this pilot, high ranking government officials, senior officers from foundations, VPs, and CXOs of the energy industry will be coming together to celebrate and discuss energy transformation, giving a unique opportunity to display new technology to those who will embrace, encourage, and fund its future.
About Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI)
Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI)—an independent nonprofit founded in 1982—transforms global energy use to create a clean, prosperous, and secure low-carbon future. It engages businesses, communities, institutions, and entrepreneurs to accelerate the adoption of market-based solutions that cost-effectively shift from fossil fuels to efficiency and renewables. Learn more at rmi.org